Spring 2023 – Ohio – The Ohio to Erie Trail

Day 1: Ajax, ON to Ashtabula, Ohio (by car)

Wednesday, May 10

Sunny and bright. 20C

We were on the road just before 10am with about a five hour drive ahead of us to get to Ashtabula. Leaving by car is nice because we can always bring a few extra things with us before having to ultimately decide whether or not we have enough room in our bags for all of it.

They always seem so full! Bursting at the seams with different layers of clothes for various temperatures and levels of precipitation. Then there are the bottles and tubes of lotions and potions along with a whole assortment of various hygienic impliments. Not to mention the tool bag which is full of every conceivable mechanical remedy to pretty much any minor bicycle malfunction you can think of. In our ‘kitchen’ we’ve got a selection of plastic containers for dishes and cutlery, cups, knives, a cutting board, can opener, vegetable peeler, dish soap, dish cloth and tea towel. Not to mention the food we carry which varies from day to day. I’m actually understating the amount of stuff we bring with us because I don’t need to produce an official inventory list. The point I’m trying to make is that all of the little things do add up. Packing for a trip like this is a balancing act between traveling light and being prepared. Between roughing it and getting to enjoy yourself. I love the challenge and it is very satisfying knowing you have everything thing that you could possibly need and not an item more.

The long drive was actually pretty relaxing. We bounced ideas back and forth and slowly our plan is taking shape. It is exciting to have the flexibility to create our itinerary as we go along. One thing that is for certain, is that we’ve got 3 weeks on the road and that is already quite an accomplishment in and of itself.

After arriving in Ashtabula we stopped at the mobile phone store to get connected with new SIM cards. Then we stopped at one of our favorite food stores – Aldi – to select our supper. Finally, a drive down the main thoroughfare brought us to the Cedar Motel which checked all of our boxes for what we’re looking for in a motel. It’s official! The trip has begun.

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